
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Welcome Spring

To welcome Spring, I wanted to take some photos of what's already growing or blooming around my house.  The plan was to have that to post for the first day of Spring.

As is my style, so to speak...that didn't happen.

But better late than never, I did manage to take some photos of my flowering tree.  I think it is a weeping cherry, but I'm not sure.  I know I should know what it is and I think I did at one time, but I forgot.

I'd welcome any comments letting me know what type of tree this might be.  (I probably should have taken a photo of the whole tree.  That would probably be helpful.)

Happy Spring Everyone.


  1. Whatever it is, it's gorgeous! I'm so glad Spring is here! :)

  2. I don't know but it sure is pretty!

  3. whatever it is it is beautifully perfect!

  4. cherry blossoms are one of the main reason i miss living on the west coast. so lovely!

  5. It's raining petals here today - gorgeous - espeically when you're looking up through to the blue sky...
