What is Mush Push? Well, the official definition is the soft creamy sauce left when you give your bowl of ice cream a good stir. To us it means all the wonderful things we love and want to share.
Now, if you sat down for a few minutes with my 80-something Mom, I'm sure she'd have different points on her list. Which only means, I'm still not done learning and I'm still not done evolving into my better me.
So, come on Spring, hurry up get here already. Heck, it's almost opening day at Tiger Stadium (oh..sorry, Comerica Park).
Anoop better bring up his game or he'll be going home next (and I do like him so.)
Ridiculous Comedies:
Do I even need to say that most of these movies are not appropriate for younger audiences, or is that already implied by their titles?
So...that's the list. Did we miss one of your favorites? We'd love to hear your thoughts?